A Pro-Life Source for Poinsettias

November 24, 2007

A while back I mentioned that the largest supplier of poinsettias in the United States likes to give lots of money to Planned Parenthood. A commenter pointed us to a company that does good with their business. Thanks Kristin!

Poinsettias at Christmas? Think Again

September 17, 2007

I like poinsettias decorating my church just as much as the next person but it has just come to my attention that doing so will most likely contribute to the betterment of Planned Parenthood. 70% of the country’s poinsettias come from the farm of the Eckes family in California. This family has given a quarter of a million dollars to renovate an abortion mill and also thousands of dollars to defeat parental notification laws in California.

You might want to bring it up with your pastor now so that alternative decorating plans can be made come Christmas.

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